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Educational Shows: Welcome

Fantastic Physics Fire Show!


A 30 or 45 minute educational fire extravaganza covering the physics behind combustion, sonic booms, conservation of momentum and more.


Now we are offering our INDOOR Physics Fire Show! An explosion of flaming hands, launching rockets, and a bottled flaming jet, amongst other spectacular, and educational , experimental demonstrations! Ideal for auditoriums, school halls and laboratories. Sold out two years in a row at the Moray Science Festival!

Aimed at older Primary and younger Secondary kids these fun shows are a great performance for festivals, schools and parties.

 Performed with much success and to great acclaim all over the UK, including at Edinburgh's Science festival, Inverness Monster Science Fest, Moray Science Festival, Dunbar Science Festival and even the Bushcraft Show!

 Please use the contact page for any enquiries.

Educational Shows: About
Educational Shows: Gallery


Educational Shows: Gallery


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